Divine Calling
We are all in the midst of great transformation. Many of us are awakening to signs and synchronicities that are manifesting in our lives, in our visions and our dreams that we cannot explain, causing us to search for answers. For our conscious evolution, it is urgent and vital for all of us to finally understand that a feminine aspect of the Divine is re-emerging into our collective consciousness, and by aligning ourselves – both men and women – with the feminine mysteries of Divine Creation, we can all contribute to liberating the world into the next phase of its spiritual evolution with the nurturing qualities of compassion, gentleness & love.
Victory of the Light!

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We are One
You are inside me
Every step I take, you're there
Every breath I breathe, we share
We are One
- Isis Astara

Tens of thousands of years ago, priestesses of the goddess were gathering in circles of twelve groups and each group composed of twelve women, creating one hundred and forty-four, to anchor the energy of peace and harmony with the rose being the sacred symbol of the goddess. They were called the Sisterhood of the Rose and emerged under the guidance of the Central Race during Atlantian times. There's a Goddess that belongs to the Central Race, AIONA. She came to Atlantis and initiated 12 priestesses, gave them all mysteries for sacred goddess work and these were transmitted by generations through mystery schools in Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, Cathars, Templars, 18th century Saint Germain, Lord Cagliostro, and many secret societies. This energy is now returning to women and men of all kinds with the guidance of the Pleiadians as the Galactic Wave of Love enters the planet during this cosmic cycle.
The Sisterhood of the Rose brings together all forms of the Goddess and God energy into the highest aspects of the Divine Feminine – an energy that has been collectively lost for centuries and is now returning and reawakening our world through Sisterhood of the Rose groups around the planet. The Goddess is no different than the heroic God in the ultimate goal, but rather gentler and more nurturing. The Rose frequency is the magnificent embodiment of both these energies. We have chosen up to now, for various reasons, to focus on the Goddess aspect of the Rose, but the Rose is both and the Heroic counterpart of God energy must also be urgently activated again as it is the warrior which protects and supports divine life. The divine love and grace that pours out from the Rose is the integration of the male and female energies...
we are the same, we are one, we are two sides of the same coin.
The energy of the Goddess is very important for re-creation and life to flourish in all realms. It is an elemental, essential energy and essence that brings all of consciousness and matter into its highest state, to return to harmonized evolution that is pure in nature. The goddess then, now, at this moment in time returns into the consciousness of women, men and the planet's Gaia consciousness. This energy activates our connection with our soul family, one of the key Goddess Mysteries, with whom together we anchor the light and transcend to the reality of our divine purpose.
This Galactic Wave of Love will harmonize the consciousness of matter and all beings, as to their capacity, and will become what they desire to be. It will free the world and all beings from the social conditioning that has imprisoned them for so long, especially in regards to families, and that has been so connected with the imbalanced energy of science, physics, and mathematics. The power of the balanced goddess will bring all beings to infinite knowledge of wisdom; it will enable them to harmonize their minds from all limitations and encourage all to be free beings in all realms, embracing the power of divine will, love and joy.
The energy of the goddess then is consciousness and power, it is self-realization, it is the remembrance, the communion, the acknowledgment and embodiment of divine truth.
May we appreciate the influence of the Sisterhood & Brotherhood throughout history from Atlantis to World War 2 as we continue to activate this presence in modern times...

Queen Ashtar tara of Atlantis as it was understood in the times of the priests of the following cultures in their language: Ishtar, Inanna, Hathor, Isis, Neith, Astarte, Asherah, Venus, Aphrodite, Athena, Pallas, Idun, Sigrun, Our Lady and not least Mary Magdalene and Goddesses of the path of the Divine Feminine sisters of the Eternal Fire. Ashtar-tara is also known as the White lily & Queen of Atlantis.
"The Mystery School of Asu.ara tSi.dha in the temple of love is a potential place for reflection. "Seize the moment; Use the flow of energies, come and find your roots in my seminar, back to the beginning of your existence and hence to your true self!"
The first sisters of the Eternal Fire of Ashtar Tara came at the "Temple of Love" at the center of the Atlantis Territory approximately 43 678 years ago. The philosophy of the Mystery School of the Sisterhood of the Eternal Fires is located outside the boundaries of organized religious concepts and, with this, prejudices of the society.The sisters are the preservers of the true meaning of the sacred metaphor ... union of Goddess and God."

Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jeshua of Nazareth and the mother of his children, a daughter Sarah and son Elijah. One of the original Earth Mothers that came to the Earth from the stars long before humanity arrived. These 12 Earth Mothers created all the crystalline gridlines and sacred portals of the Earth body in preparation for mankind.
The Magdalene Flame is an energy which was created for man in order to align them to the presence of the Divine Mother. In the beginning it was part of mankind’s inheritance, as is the Christ Fire.

Saint Joan of ARC
(1412-1431 AD)
A true Priestess Knight in our history is called Joan of Arc who had a real Goddess Calling with divine visions and prophecies. She embodied the Warrior Goddess, the Priestess who is always victorious in the Light. She embodies the sisterhood energies just like Mary Magdalene did.
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, constructed by the Knights Templar, features a statue of Joan of Arc, which portrays her with some indications of her own Templar affiliations. This iconic statue shows her with a distinctly proper Templar sword, in the original 12th century form, which is markedly different from the French swords used during her time. Her battle flag was mounted on the lance in a manner reflecting the Agnus Dei seal of the Templar Grand Mastery.

High Priestess Isis
Isis is the “Goddess with Ten Thousand Names”
Although this statement is an exaggeration, she does have many names. Some of these are Aset, Aust, Eenohebis, Eset, Esu, Hesat, Iahu, Unt, Urethekau, and Werethekau. Isis was also associated with the other Egyptian goddesses, Sekhmet and Hathor. The Greeks worshiped Isis and they associated her with their goddesses; Persephone, Tethys and Athena.
Isis was the ancient Egyptian goddess of marriage, fertility, motherhood, magic and medicine. Many myths and legends exist about Isis in Egypt and Egyptian literature uses several names and titles for this goddess. Worship of Isis, her temples in her honor spread through Egypt and parts of Europe.

Historical Accounts

Mother Mary
Mary served in the Temple of Truth in the early days of Atlantis and tended the emerald fires of the fifth ray. It was here she studied the healing art and disciplines of the soul who desires to magnify the consciousness of God
Mother Mary, it is said she volunteered before her birth to be the human mother for the incarnation of Jeshua onto the Earth. She is also called "Mother of the World” because in her service to humanity she is always ready to support and hold all those seeking assistance. She is the holder of the blue cape of compassion and unconditional love and is also the protector of children – all of God’s children.
It is said one of her past incarnations on the Earth was as the Goddess Isis, when she instructed initiates in the Mystery Schools. She offers to humanity all the energy of the mother for her family – infinite patience, support, love, and assistance. She may also be called upon during pregnancy and the birthing process of children, but also of yourself, gifts, codes and other projects in service to the family of humanity. She will hold you in times of change and transformation in your life so that you may feel safe and protected.

Comte de Saint Germaine
St. Germain (also sometimes referred to as Master Rakoczi or Master R) is a legendary spiritual master of the ancient wisdom in various Theosophical and post-Theosophical teachings, responsible for the New Age culture of the Age of Aquarius and identified with the Count of St. Germain (fl. 1710–1784), who has been variously described as a courtier, adventurer, charlatan, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist and amateur composer.
Some write that his name St. Germain was invented by him as a French version of the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning "Holy Brother". In the Ascended Master Teachings (but not in traditional Theosophy), the Master R, or the Master Rakóczi, also known as the Great Divine Director (a term introduced by Guy Ballard in the 1930s) is a separate and distinct being from St. Germain – the Master Rakoczi is regarded in the Ascended Master Teachings as a name used by the Great Divine Director when he was functioning as Saint Germain's teacher in the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters.

The Great and Holy Master Kuthumi
(Koot Hoomi)
Mahatma Koot Hoomi Lal Singh 1800's
During the last quarter of the Nineteenth Century, the Masters Kuthumi and Morya worked together with Helena P. Blavatsky and Henry Steele Olcott to form the Theosophical Society. During the early years before the formal founding of the society in New York, the Master Morya along with other devas and elementals precipitated information to Mme. Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott so that they could write Isis Unveiled, a book that revealed the existence of an inner World Government under the aegis of the Great Brotherhood of Light and the wisdom deeply buried in the ancient mysteries that underpinned all the religious movements in the world.
When the Great Brotherhood of Light instructed Blavatsky and Olcott to go to India, the Mahatma Koot Hoomi or Kuthumi began playing a much more active role in helping the two founders establish the Theosophical Society in Adyar, India. The Master Kuthumi often materialized before the founders, instructed them, and disappeared. At times he would send his then disciple, Djwal Khul, to deliver messages and instruct them.

Serapis Bey
Serapis Bey was embodied on Atlantis as a high priest in the Ascension Temple. Prior to the sinking of Atlantis, he was directed to take the focus of the ascension flame to Luxor, Egypt, and to establish there the temple that is now in the etheric plane.
Serapis Bey's teaching is a practical initiation on the path of purity so that we can understand how we may earn our ascension in this life on any one of the seven rays of the Christ.
Serapis says:
The future is what you make it, even as the present is what you made it. If you do not like it, God has provided a way for you to change it, and the way is through the acceptance of the currents of the ascension flame.

The Knights Templar
Warriors of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Latin: Pauperes Commilitones Christi Templique Salomonici) was a consequence of the First Crusade and founded around the year 1118. From 1118 until May 1291, onwards and threatened to undermine the foundations of the Christian Church.
Positive Templars have been guardians of great occult secrets transmitting them to future generations of secret societies and adepts, or through deeply esoteric and heretical doctrines as well as sacred architecture using geometrical codes of the Goddess. They have been linked with such potent objects as the Cintamani Stone, Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant and the Turin Shroud.

Master El Morya
Pre-Piscean Age (Christian Era) Incarnations
The Master Morya, like his brethren in the Great Brotherhood of Light, is an ancient soul that has transited through countless incarnations. It is said his first appearance on earth dates back to around 600,000 BC and from that time to the most recent Piscean Dispensation (the past 2000 years) the great Master has ruled as king, warrior, and general over the establishment of the Atlantean civilization, its spread over the Earth, and toward the end as Emperor of South Poseidonis, the last remnant of Atlantis.
Master of the ray of Power and Will.

Carl von Hessen-Kassel
Frederick II (German: Landgraf Friedrich II von Hessen-Kassel) August 1720 – 31 October was Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) from 1760 to Husband of Princess Mary of Great Britain.
Landgrave Karl von Hessen-Kassel was a {close friend of Saint-Germain’s}. Prince of the order of the Rosicrucians.

Madame Blavatsky
Helena Blavatsky, née Helena Petrovna Hahn, Russian spiritualist,author, and cofounder of the Theosophical Society. Writer of First published in 1877, “Isis Unveiled” "Mastery Key" is a true masterpiece of esoteric philosophy and will remain so.
It was written with the direct cooperation of immortal sages. Its outward imperfections belong to that denser crust
which is necessary to protect the substance of eternal wisdom.
and many more...
The Return of the Goddess

The sacred elements, water, fire, air, and earth are key in the Goddess Mysteries as they assist in balancing all of life throughout creation. Each Element holds a sacred essence that activates harmonic geometrical light mandalas and works with the natural inner alchemy which then brings more light to the planet. When we are able to work with each element in a daily practice by swimming in the waters, dancing by a fire, using our sacred breath representing air to heal, or grounding on the earth, we bring more balance and harmony to all around us. The sacred elements in it's purest form, representing the spirit, earth, air, fire, and water are required in order to create a foundation upon which the sacred union of our soul families can occur. The balance of the elements, individually and collectively are essential in order for the later alchemical transformations to take place within everyone else and these practices also raises the consciousness of the planet. This inner transformation will magnetically attract us to aspects of our soul family which is one of the most important mysteries of the goddess, as all interlocking levels of connection within a soul family create a Clifford torus that breaks the Matrix.
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Feminine principle was suppressed by the Archons throughout the human history by female sexual energy control and manipulation. The key to liberate the feminine is for women to allow themselves to feel their sexual energy, align it with their heart and express it in their own way. We must become aware of this historical trauma, heal it within ourselves and move on in order to effectively re-anchor that energy.
During ancient times, priestesses would activate the Goddess presence for healing by merging the energy of the loving heart with their sexual energy during special occasions, such as healing people from PTSD. High priestesses would embody this goddess presence in their daily life to anchor the energy for their empire. In Rome the high priestess would merge with the King once a year during the spring season, this anchored the goddess energy for the empire and it wasn't until the goddess was suppressed that the Roman empire fell. In modern times we are activating this Goddess energy on a mass scale around the world as we individually and collectively strive towards healing, creative expression, and selfless love.
The key to anchoring the Goddess again is the awareness and implementation of the Goddess mysteries by reforming Sisterhood of the Rose groups worldwide who will gather at least once a week to perform sacred meditations and other aspects of the Goddess. Together in groups around the world we will anchor the loving, gentle energy of the divine feminine and merge it with our sexual energy in our own way. This does not imply sexual energy as we know of it today in mainstream culture. It implies the act of pure sensuality, the gentle touch of nurturing care towards all beings. This emergence activates the kundalini energy, and when this energy rises to the crown chakra it has the ability to heal and reverse the entropy of our mitochondria--thus providing many health benefits such as anti-aging and the ability to maintain our vital energy. The occult mysteries of the Goddess are so influential that it is the reason the Goddess has been removed and manipulated throughout history. But together, in groups around the world, we will reactivate this awareness, this embodiment and it will be the key component to Planetary Liberation.
Planetary Liberation is a process of mass awareness, a mass shift of the collective consciousness and the implementation of a new world for humanity and all life on Earth; as the plasma energy from the galactic center reaches earth it is the goddess who will stabilize the fluctuations humanity will be going through. There are many aspects of Planetary Liberation, including that of the divine masculine which serves to protect and encourage awareness amongst humanity, but at Sisterhood of the Rose, we focus on providing humanity a way to stay calm, to stay aligned with our heart and our relationships with others during this grand transition. Our groups around the world will assist individuals, families, leaders and the collective society in understanding, appreciating and embodying the divine grace of the Galactic Superwave.
To find a Sisterhood of the Rose group near you, or to form a group please CLICK HERE for more details...