Today we mark the 5th anniversary since Isis Astara left the physical plane:
Isis Astara, through her mission and her wisdom teachings, appealed to us how essential and utterly important it is to keep the flame of the Goddess nowadays alive.
The following tribute in remembrance of Isis Astara has been written by Untwine on the same day of her passing, January 29th 2018:
"I want to say a few words about the passing of Isis Astara to the other side. I am forever grateful for her anchoring divine feminine energies on this planet, during times where it is so needed. She was not so well known in public, but her work and influence had vast and vital effects on the planet. What I remember most of her is how dedicated she was (and surely still is, on the other side) to anchoring the Goddess energies on this planet. For her it was not just something different to try on sunday afternoon, or something to get personal power over others or recognition and approval. It was her divine purpose, to bring the balance back, for the liberation of this planet and all sentient beings. She has inspired me and countless others, she was working so much to keep anchoring the Goddess energies into the planetary grid and help stabilize and harmonize situations. So I want to put out this call, this reminder, to all of us, and especially other women and priestesses, we need to keep the Divine Feminine flame alive during these critical times on Earth that we are in. A huge cosmic cycle is ending, and a new one starting. Profound changes will come no matter what. The closer we get to the Breakthrough, the more everything will be compressed, pressurized, intense, and volatile. Goddess energy is and will be absolutely critical to help keep situations stable. We need to stop criticizing, stop projecting tension and negative perceptions, on others and ourselves. We need to be gentle with others and ourselves. Have Grace. Connect with our Soul, our I Am Presence, I Am power. Know that I Am always all the Goddess energy that I require. Know that I Am always the Divine Love that I require. Support each other. Radiate and visualize it everywhere, the pink Light ray of Cosmic Love. Connect and call the Goddesses, Isis, Tara, Durga, Quan Yin, etc. Isis always had us sing this song during Cobra conferences : We are One You are inside me Every step I take, you’re there Every breath I breathe, we share We are One
Let’s keep the dedication, let’s keep the flame alive.
No matter what, we will make it, to the final Victory of the Light
It is the nature of Life
We will all be together again after the Liberation of Earth, together in Oneness as angelic beings of Love and Light. In the meantime we stay connected in network of Light
Much Love"
Published by untwine
Mea Maa

I enjoyed honoring her and the tribute was heart warming. thank you!!
...... i joined much later, i did not have the pleasure to listen to her guidance ...... but....once i used her name as a password, NOT KNOWING ABOUT HER existence at that time.... 🙂🙏🌹✨️✨️✨️
Thank you Untwine for this beautiful tribute. And "YES" to all the values, may they blossom within us by choosing them consciously.