Asking. It can be hard. How many of us are challenged by the concept? ‘Oh, I’m not good at asking,’ we say, maybe thinking that asking makes us weak? Dear Ones ASKING is important. Asking allows us to receive the assistance we need. We ALL need help sometimes. Is there any among us who doubts that humanity needs assistance at this time? We now ask you to join us. We now ask you to listen to the interviews we share here. SHARE this blog, SHARE these links, SHARE this event with everyone you know, every group. And JOIN us in the ethers tonight/tomorrow morning December 3/4th!
We ask you, in the words of a very wise woman (you’ll meet her in one of the videos linked below) to “get into your inner eternal presence and to the chalice of your heart,’ and experience the power and beauty of joining with people all around the world in a synchronized mass meditation at 07:35 am UTC December 4th. Please NOTE: for some of you, depending on your time zone, it may be tonight December 3rd, for some in the wee hours of the 4th, for some, in the morning. Check this link to find your time zone and set your alarms!
Beloveds, Neptune just stationed Direct! The Sagittarius New Moon on December 4, 2021 is a total solar eclipse and people all over the world are joining together in mass meditation that’s a Booster Meditation for the one on December 21st! How worldwide are we talking? Guided audios made by volunteers in 23 languages are already available and there will be a Livestream (in English)!You can find those here:
We get that ‘booster’ may be be a kind of scary or triggering word for some at the moment: booster for WHAT? you may ask. We ask you to join your energies and intentions in an ENERGETIC booster to get even more human beings to answer the call of the Light Forces, because they too can be STRONG and BRAVE enough to ask. They are also ASKING. Our messenger from the Resistance movement, Cobra, who initiated this meditation, tells us that the ‘Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to do the preparatory booster meditation at the exact moment…use the energy of this Solar eclipse to meditate and visualize reaching the critical mass of over 144,000 people or more participating in our main meditation for the Divine Intervention Activation on December 21st and over 144,000 people signing the Planetary Liberation petition.’ Check out the BRAND NEW Sisterhood of the Rose interview with Cobra about the importance of the Divine Intervention Activation taking place this month it was JUST POSTED! Much gratitude to Debra and Cobra, and to the Team that came together to get the transcript together this fast!
So many across our Goddess, Light, and Disclosure communities are now sharing and encouraging their followers to come together this winter solstice and ASK for Divine Intervention. We in the Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network are so grateful to all the teams and individuals who are sharing and helping to bring more and more people into the upcoming Divine Intervention Mass Meditation. So much gratitude to our sister Laura Eisenhower, a true Magdalene, for organizing this roundtable, and bringing together this wonderful team to talk about the Divine Intervention Mass Meditation event happening on the winter solstice, to share what it’s about, what the whole process, and the intention is.
We in the Sisterhood of the Rose understand that a big part of our work at this time is to create and maintain HARMONY in our communities and across the world.
In the words of Vivian Chauvet, one of Laura’s guests: “We’re coming back into a community of Light and part of the winter solstice event is about… what I’ve been seeing for 2022… 2022 is called Emergence in the Light… this meditation is to harmonize the planet… I saw harmonization on the planet through the planet and through every living life form… as we’re doing this mass event—the Divine Intervention Activation… (it’s) really all about emergence in the light…’ She says so much more—please DO take the time to watch the above video!
And listen to Laura when she talks about the importance of mass meditations, reminding us: ‘You’re coming to an event. Make sure you claim your sovereignty and make SURE you prepare your space correctly.’
‘Neptune wants to create wonder wherever he goes, so the more you speak from the heart, the more fantastical life can become… Neptune is connected with the absolute Truth, with the immortal, the eternal, the unity of everything in existence: when this planet is stationary, it is a time when truth may be uncovered and mysteries revealed… Neptune in Pisces is remembering the Oneness’
Remember dear Ones. Remember we are ONE. Be STRONG. Be SMART. Be BRAVE!
and BE LOVE. So much LOVE and GRATITUDE to you all! See you in the ethers!