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Join the Forum on Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network

We are excited to announce the relaunch of the Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network! Much love and dedication has been shared in the creation of this new website and we invite you to enjoy some of the new features!

Our intentions for the new features are to assist in forming stronger soul connections, to strengthen our unity with one another, and to form a deeper understanding of the Goddess mysteries.

The website now includes a Forum, Site Member pages, links to past interviews, a worldwide listing of Sisterhood of the Rose physical groups, and soon a private social network for physical group members.

Current Categories

The Forum is a place for organized discussion on a variety of topics:

  1. General Discussion - Share stories, ideas, pictures, and more!

  2. Creativity - Share your creations!

  3. Hymns - Share music dedicated to the Divine!

  4. Records - Discussing the goddess memoirs.

  5. Healing - Discussing healing methods and journeys.

  6. Sexuality - Discussing sexuality, erotica, healing, and care.

Physical Group Area

The private social network for the Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network will be launching soon and it is intended to unite the physical Sisterhood of the Rose Group Members in a private area to share personal posts. We can utilize this new, safe place to strengthen our connections with one another without the fear of censorship.

Common Questions

  1. How do I sign up? On the main menu, hover/click on Groups and then click Sign Up. Once you are approved as a site member, you will be granted access to the forum.

  2. What is the difference between the Forum and the Physical Group Area? Members of the physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups have access to an exclusive networking platform to securely share personal content without the fear of censorship. The Forum is for all members of physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups as well as members of the online community to start and join organized discussions on a variety of topics, listed above, without the fear of censorship.​

What is the difference between Site Members & Subscribers of the Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network website? To access and participate in the Forum discussions, you may become a Site Member by answering a few questions and agreeing to respect Temple protocols. You can Subscribe and receive newsletters to stay informed about new blog content or upcoming events without choosing to become a Site Member. Becoming a Subscriber does not automatically give you access to the Forum and becoming a Site Member does not automatically subscribe you to our newsletters. For the best experience of community, choose both.

Sisterhood of the Rose brings together all forms of the Goddess and God energy into the highest aspects of the Divine Feminine – an energy that has been collectively lost for centuries and is now returning and reawakening our world through

Sisterhood of the Rose groups around the planet.

Please share your experiences with the website and any suggestions you may have. We look forward to seeing you there! Goddess blessings 💖

1 comentário

Witam serdecznie!

Bardzo dziękuję za przyjęcie do grupy Siostrzeństwa Róży. Bogini to moja duchowa przewodniczka. Uczyłam się tańca brzucha z przesłaniem Bogini Izydy. Czuję ją w sobie, jej siłę i moc. Ale również szanuję wszystkie Boginie - Marię Magdalenę, Wielką Marię. Wspaniałe Istoty na drodze naszej duchowości.

Jeszcze raz dziękuję i pozdrawiam z Polski, Gdańska Beata Musa

I warmly welcome!

Thank you very much for joining the Sisterhood of the Rose group. The goddess is my spiritual guide. I learned belly dancing with the message of the Goddess Isis. I feel her inside me, her strength and power. But I also respect all Goddesses - incl. Mary Magdalene, the Great Mary. Wonderful Beings on the way of our spirituality.



© 2018-2021 by Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network

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