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HOUSE OF THE DIVINE LIGHT, Project of our Hungarian Team

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

Greetings dear ones!

We have amazing news from our Hungarian team.

We are sending Light and absolute support to this excellent and beautiful project which aims to build a center in Hungary, within the outstandingly important Goddess Vortex of Gödöllő. Everybody is invited to support and co-create.

Here reposting Nagy Katalin's post about this project, called HOUSE OF THE DIVINE LIGHT :

Dear Ones! We have come to a magnificent milestone in our mission, and we are more than happy to share the details with you, at the link below:

We hope to see you soon!

in Hungarian:

Kedvesek! Küldetésünk egy csodálatos állomásához érkeztünk, aminek részleteit szeretettel osztjuk meg veletek, az alábbi linken, (angol és magyar nyelven):

Reméljük, hogy hamarosan találkozunk!

Victory of the Light!

Goddess Blessings!



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