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Global Sisterhood of the Rose groups interview series: #1 Denver/Aurora, Colorado SotR group

Updated: Apr 1, 2021

Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network has started a new initiative to do an online interview with the individual Sisterhood of the Rose group around the world.

The first group that we conducted the interview with is the Denver/Aurora, Colorado SotR group, leading by Debra.

If you are interested in answering the following questions, please send your answers to

Q1: What inspired you or your group to be formed?

I have created several women’s and spiritual groups over the years, so when I saw Cobra’s post encouraging the formation of Sisterhood of the Rose groups to bring in more Goddess energy to the planet, it spoke to me immediately. I’ve always felt very connected to the Goddess; in fact, if I ever needed a costume (like at Halloween, for instance), my go-to choice has always been to be some type of Goddess! I’ve been a passionate advocate for women’s and girls’ empowerment (it is the work I have done for many years), yet recently I have been concerned how the female empowerment movement has turned a negative direction with messaging that does not support the beauty and power of the divine feminine, but instead tries to take the feminine out of women/girls by encouraging them to be more masculine. As we can clearly see in most Hollywood productions these days, females are shown as being “powerful” by being portrayed as tough, hard, uncompassionate, and warlike—and society (especially our young girls) is being programmed to think this is “empowerment”. So I felt it was extremely important to start a SotR group to anchor as much Goddess energy as possible into our planet at this pivotal time, to become a conduit for the love, nurturing, compassion, kindness, care, healing, wisdom, peace, harmony, beauty, and STRENGTH of the divine feminine.

Q2: Did your group face any challenges when forming and how did you overcome them?

Forming the group was easy, as there were five of us that I was already gathering together periodically for meditation, discussion, support, etc., so we simply morphed into a SotR group and met regularly, incorporating the Goddess meditations and vortex into our gatherings. The challenges came later. When two of the participants moved out of state, the three of us continued. But eventually, I really wanted the group to grow, so I invited others I knew and posted my group on the SotR website list and made a few positive connections that way (including bringing in our first male member, who brought an amazing energy to the group!). I officially “relaunched” the group, providing everyone with a “Welcome” goodie bag of rose-related items and a calendar of meeting dates and important astrological times when we might do additional gatherings. We had a strong consistent group of 5-10 participants attending regularly, but then we started to face challenges—people moving out of the area, personal/work conflicts, and some negative feelings between participants—and attendance has become more sporadic. New people occasionally attend, but one of the biggest challenges is finding “balance” in the group; some members are aware of Cobra and the importance/urgency of doing Goddess work, while others are not and simply seek a casual spiritual gathering with social chit chat. Of course, all are welcome, however at times it’s challenging to know how to plan. I try to find out ahead of time who will attend and then adapt what we do during the meetings based upon who is attending. I find that creating an agenda to follow helps the flow so the group doesn’t get too sidetracked with “small talk”. I’ve also realized that rather than feeling resistance and frustration if a meeting doesn’t have the attendance or direction I had planned, it’s better for me, and better for the energy of the group, to just let go of my expectations and simply love and honor who ever, and whatever, shows up!

Q3: What activities to you do when you meet every week?

As I mentioned above, I usually create an agenda to help keep everyone on focus. I allot the first half hour to casual talk and catching up. Sometimes someone is struggling with a problem and needs support of the group, so if that’s the case, we’ll chat longer. Then we begin the meeting, usually starting with doing some Lightwork meditation for protection. One thing everyone enjoys doing is selecting “Goddess Cards” from an oracle deck I have, where we each ask for guidance from a Goddess or two and then display the cards on a table in the center of our circle so those Goddesses can be with us during the evening (I also place a Flower of Life mandala in our circle with a Cintamani stone in the center, then we add what we feel guided to, such crystals and silver Goddess coins purchased during the Silver Trigger last November 11). We generally do 1-3 meditations; if there is a time-sensitive one from We Love Mass Meditation or Cobra we’ll do that, or I or another member will lead a meditation we’ve created or found somewhere. Sometimes I facilitate activities that help with our individual spiritual and personal growth/healing, and sometimes we discuss Goddess mysteries or spiritual/current issues (and how we can help)—all of which always initiates stimulating conversation! I absolutely love to “Goddess Dance” (as I call it) and have created a music playlist of over 100 “Goddess” songs, so if the group is open to it, we’ll do a little dancing as well. And of course, we always do the Goddess meditation/vortex, since it’s very important to do that each time to invoke the Goddess presence and keep the beautiful vortex active that we’ve created!

Q4: Do you find it difficult to get local people to join your group?

Yes, I would say this is one of the biggest challenges. I thought I would get much more response from being listed on the SotR website (I realize that those of like-mind are spread around the planet, not my neighborhood!), so participants usually come from people I know/meet or when a member brings someone they know. But a large problem seems to be lack of commitment, as well as lack of understanding about how important it is to regularly do this work. I discuss this importance as often as possible to encourage attendance and commitment. I’ve even thrown local “Goddess Dance” parties (where I encourage dressing as a Goddess) and plan food, meditation, dancing, etc. but haven’t had them well attended. In all honesty, it often feels there are dark forces preventing us all from gathering, but I continue to hold my vision of robust, glorious gatherings filled with joy, high-vibration, and fun, knowing that SOON we will not have to struggle to connect with each other!

Q5: Do you have any connections with other local groups if there are any?

Actually, when I decided I wanted to expand my group and do this work in a bigger way, I contacted a woman listed on the SotR website with a group about 30 minutes away and we started attending each other’s meetings. Our groups were small and we were sharing the same members, so we decided to combine our groups to meet at my location because it’s more centrally located so people didn’t have to go to two meetings a week. We took turns facilitating the group, however she had schedule conflicts and no longer continues the meetings, but it definitely worked well for a while.

Q6: What do you want to share with people reading this on the Sisterhood of the Rose planetary network website?

I would like to emphasize how important it is at this time on our planet to amplify the Goddess presence and the important role that Sisterhood of the Rose groups play in this. Our role in bringing in this much-needed Divine Feminine energy is significant now in these current chaotic times, and it will be essential in the future when more truth becomes disclosed and humanity needs the strength, comfort, peace, nurturing, and compassion of the Sisterhood of the Rose groups. The time is NOW to organize, to clear ourselves of our own internal wounds and shadows with the support of our sisters (and brothers) so we can best serve a fractured human race, and to bring in as much Light and Love as possible to ease the upcoming transition to move into the New Earth with ease and grace. I would encourage everyone (women AND men, our males have been some of our most wonderful members!) who resonates with this to join a group; it is a wonderful, comforting, supportive, and loving experience that will leave you smiling and feeling connected and full of joy. And if there isn’t a group in your area, maybe YOU could create one! Much love to all! 💖🌹



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