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Free HEALING, FullMoonDivine Intervention, Goddess Vortex, AN-TAWA Ceremonies with Solara 2.22.2022

Goddess Blessings dear Ones! Happy Full Moon in Leo! Embracing you all right now with so much LOVE. What a week! This next week there’s SO much going on. RISE UP. BE the CHANGE. There is much for you to join your loving energies to. We heartily invite your participation! But first… Let’s talk about LOVE. February 14th is now celebrated around the world as the day for LOVE and many think of it as a day for romantic love. We’re coming onto the Leo Full Moon and Leo is about Heart energy, about LOVE. I present to you the concept of Unconditional Love. Rumi said: ’Love is cure. Love is power. Love is the magic of changes.’ More recently Elizabeth Kubler-Ross taught us: ‘The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well.’ Loving oneself is important to do well! Self-care is CRUCIAL. As intense as the incoming cosmic energies feel—the proton flux energies swirling ‘round us, solar flares, and shift energies have a lot of people experiencing strange physical effects. Hang in there. These very high energies can trigger old pains—emotional and physical. Rest as needed, stay hydrated, practice excellent self-care. This is evidence of our continuing upgrades. Some of you are feeling intense activations, especially Heart Chakra activations. The intensity can have you feeling sometimes overwhelmed, so ground. Balance. Breathe. RELEASE. Unconditional Love is something one can learn to live in with PRACTICE. And here’s a little something it’s important to be clear about: Unconditional Love doesn't mean you have to unconditionally accept bad behaviors. Just remember: We came into this world for this dear hearts: to Be LOVE, to hold the Light, to help to raise the frequencies and keep them high, and to assist in the evolution of humanity and this planet that we LOVE.

Important Dates and Events to be READY for: February 14th is now celebrated around the world as the day for LOVE and many think of it as a day for romantic love. We invite you to spend the day in the state of LOVE. Unconditional LOVE. It is also the first day of the Monthly International Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing Sessions that are given free of charge to people around the world by the #InternationalGoldenAgeGroup (#IGAG) and #PrepareForChange (#PFC) Japan Official. These remote healing sessions that can help you heal your inner being and mind are a gift of LOVE to everyone, free of charge, and provided online for 3 days around each Full Moon. February 15th and Feb 16th. IGAG and PFC Japan’s International Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing Sessions 2 and 3 For more info and links see: February 16th is the Full Moon and the now monthly Divine Intervention Meditation. People around the world are joining together at the time of each Full Moon, at exact fullness, to keep the Light portals open, to strengthen the Light grid around the planet, and to actively request assistance from the Light Forces. Do you want them to come now? Join in monthly! Open your HEART and send your HEART FELT request! What time is it for you?

Here’s the link to the Youtube playlist. For anyone who doubts these Global meditations are really Global, please note the guided audios are now available in 35 languages! Much gratitude to #WeLoveMassMeditation and to all the volunteers who translate, record, and synchronize these videos! You will also find the link to the Livestream here as well as all available languages. The Livestream is in english and begins at 4:40 PM UTC, before the actual Divine Intervention Meditation, taking everyone through Protection Protocols first! . February 17th-23rd: AN-TAWA Ceremonies with Solara for the Reclaiming of Our Planet! “We have reached the point of ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It is NOW or NEVER! It is time for us to RECLAIM OUR PLANET and make a huge EVOLUTIONARY SHIFT… I feel that the 11:11 Doorway will finally close this year, probably on November 11 or 22. So the time between February 22 and then is vitally important. February 22, 2022 is the key date for our Ceremonies… the optimal date for those worldwide to join with us.” ~~Solara Anani From February 17th-23rd, there will be ongoing ceremonies at the Heart of AN in the Sacred Valley of the Inkas, Peru, which is an anchor point of the New Reality. Some of us remember beginning this journey with Solara back in 1992, from wherever the world we were. Even back then, Light Workers around the world were busy BEing LOVE. Some of you were not even born yet! Many more Light Workers remember the Mass Meditations we did a few years ago when there were massive wildfires burning around the Heart of An in Peru. We invite and encourage all our sisters and brothers around the world to share in these ceremonies. So many more of us now in various stages of awakening are completing what was begun in 1992, on the 2.22.2022— DO join this Global Network! Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network will be sharing a number of video teachings from Solara of mudras and other useful practices on all of our social networks this coming week. I asked Solara which video she wants us to share with this announcement and invitation, she said ‘The Sun - Moon - AN is a good video for now… we are still refining our brand new, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Mudra which is extremely powerful and created specifically for this ceremony. We will... post it on February 21.” THE GODDESS VORTEX Meditation has no date—it is every date. You can do this daily. The Goddess Vortex is an ancient Atlantean meditation. It creates a vortex of energy which brings in and invokes Goddess energy towards the surface of the planet. This is one of the most powerful techniques to invoke the Goddess energy and Maa knows… we need more Goddess energy! People around the world doing the Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC every day! You can do it at whatever time coincides with 2:30 PM UTC where you are if you want to be part of the global mass meditation. You can also activate the Goddess Vortex anytime you feel guided to do so and this will strengthen the planetary network of Light... Here is the link to the guided audio video playlist for the Goddess Vortex Meditation, created by #GlobalPeaceMeditation, and if you think saying ‘global’ is an exaggeration? There are now synchronized guided audios in 25 languages! See you in the ethers Beloveds! I AM sending you ALL so much Unconditional LOVE and so much strength! I LOVE you! ~~Zeeva Amrita 🌹💖🌹



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