Our Goddess Temple in Canberra Australia has opened since Sunday 5th March 2023, normally on every Sunday 10am - 3pm. Located at 17 Fairydale Street, Harrison ACT 2914. Everyone is warmly welcomed.
Our mission is to provide a sacred, tranquil, harmonious and safe physical place, through which people can connect with Goddess (the Divine Feminine) to restore harmony, peace and prosperity to humanity. Here we will have meditation, healing, dancing, music, readings – whatever we feel is right that relates to Goddess.
Special events on the 1st Sunday of every month:
11am - 12pm: Sound Meditation with Crystal Bowl and Scalar healing
12pm - 1pm: Goddess Meditation
Please just drop by, let all distractions of daily life fall away and drop down into the inner Goddess of your heart.
Thank you so much Ada! 🌹 I'm so pleased! Can I share it with SotR PN fb group and SotR Telegram group?